Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All the Wishes and Greetings

To all my dear friends who are celebrating Hari Raya, Selamat Hari raya Aidil Fitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Semoga your Raya is filled with lots of family and friends, lots of love and lots of ketupat dan rendang.
To those who are going to balik kampung, have a safe, smooth trip and may you not feel like terkencing on the trip because the highways and byways toilets will be terribly full.
Have patience because the jam will be horrendous and get some foods because the pit stops are packed.
And since I have sent my early wishes to you all, you can also send your wishes to me.

Things on my to-do list are :
1) go bungee jumping
2) go parachuting, not para gliding, that one not counted
3) go on the scariest roller coaster ride in the world, not genting, I did all that
4) touch more hearts
5) bring more smiles